Oracle PL/SQL Fundamentals

This class assumes a student is comfortable working in Oracle 19c. Lab activities will be conducted against and class content will be written against an Oracle 19c environment.


Course Description

This course is designed to create PL/SQL blocks both anonymous and named. This course will cover PL/SQL objects and data types. It will also cover packages and how to debug and improve performance within PL/SQL. It will address deploying PL/SQL objects and using Oracle pre-define packages, procedures, and functions.

Lesson 1: Introduction

  • PL/SQL development environments available in this course
  • Introduction to SQL Developer
  • Course Overview

Lesson 2: Introduction to PL/SQL

  • Overview of PL/SQL
  • PL/SQL Subprograms
  • Types of PL/SQL blocks
  • Create an Anonymous Block

Lesson 3: PL/SQL Terms and Types

  • Different Types of Identifiers
  • Using the Declarative Section
  • Declare Variable
  • Use Scalar Data Types
  • The %TYPE Attribute
  • Introduction to Bind Variables?
  • Using Sequences in PL/SQL Expressions

Lesson 4: Basic PL/SQL Statements

  • Basic PL/SQL Block Syntax Guidelines
  • How to Comment PL/SQL Blocks
  • Deployment of SQL Functions in PL/SQL
  • Conversion of Data Types?
  • Using Nested Blocks

Lesson 5: Conditional Structures

  • Using IF Statements
  • Using CASE Statements
  • Using a simple Loop Statement
  • Using a While Loop Statement
  • Using a For Loop Statement

Lesson 6: PL/SQL Data Types

  • Use PL/SQL Records
  • The %ROWTYPE Attribute
  • Insert and Update with PL/SQL Records
  • INDEX BY Tables
  • Examine INDEX BY Table Methods
  • Use INDEX BY Table of Records

Lesson 7: Explicit Cursors

  • Define an Explicit Cursor
  • Declare the Cursor
  • Open the Cursor
  • Fetch data from the Cursor
  • Close the Cursor
  • Cursor FOR loop
  • The %NOTFOUND and %ROWCOUNT Attributes
  • Describe the FOR UPDATE Clause and WHERE CURRENT Clause

Lesson 8: Implicit Cursors

  • Define an Implicit Cursor
  • Use an Implicit Cursor
  • Raise an Implicit Cursor
  • Implicit Cursor Attributes

Lesson 9: PL/SQL Exception Handling

  • Overview of Exceptions
  • Define an Exception
  • Raise an Exception
  • Propagate Exceptions

Lesson 10: Identify Stored Procedures

  • Define a Stored Procedure
  • Create a Stored Procedure
  • Identify the differences between Anonymous Blocks and Subprograms
  • Call, and Remove Stored Procedures
  • Implement Procedures Parameters and Parameters Modes
  • View the data dictionary about Stored Procedures

Lesson 11: Identify Stored Functions

  • Create, Modify, Call, and Remove a Stored Function
  • Identify the advantages of using Stored Functions
  • Identify the steps to create a stored function
  • Identify the differences between a stored procedure and function
  • Restrictions with Functions
  • Debug functions and procedures
  • View data dictionary information regarding Functions

Lesson 12: PL/SQL Packages

  • What is a Packages
  • List the components of a Package?
  • Create a Package
  • Call a package and its components
  • View package information using the Data Dictionary
  • Identify Common Oracle supplied packages

Lesson 13: Deploying Packages

  • Define Package overload
  • Use the STANDARD Package
  • Identify states of a Packages
  • Persistent State of a Package Cursor
  • Control errors within a package

Lesson 14: Using Dynamic SQL

  • Using Dynamic SQL
  • Using the execute immediate function
  • Identify Dynamic SQL uses
  • Identify Dynamic SQL limitations

Lesson 15: Improving performance with PL/SQL Code

  • Using Autonomous Transactions
  • Use the NOCOPY Hint
  • Use the PARALLEL_ENABLE Hint
  • Implement result cache
  • Using bulk operations within PL/SQL

Lesson 16: Defining PL/SQL Triggers

  • Overview of Triggers
  • Identify Trigger Types
  • Create database/server triggers
  • Create DML Triggers using the CREATE TRIGGER Statement and SQL Developer
  • Identify the Trigger Event Types and firing levels
  • Differences between Statement Level Triggers and Row Level Triggers
  • Create Instead of and Disabled Triggers
  • Manage Triggers

Lesson 17: Creating Compound Triggers

  • What is a Compound Triggers
  • Identify Uses of a Compound Trigger
  • What is a Mutating trigger
  • Triggers and privileges
  • Create DDL Triggers
  • Create Database Triggers

Lesson 18: Manage Dependencies

  • Identify Object Dependencies
  • Identify privilege prorogations
  • Query user_objects
  • Identify Object invalidation

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