Accessibility in Adobe InDesign
This course is designed, not for expert users of InDesign, but rather for ALL users that are producing InDesign projects and want to ensure that the project will be “Accessible for All”.
What is accessibility and what laws are in existence. Aendees will review the state-level and federal level Accessibility laws and guidelines with a large focus on the Secon 508 of the Rehabilitaon Act standards. They will review the standards and discuss if they have applied any and all of their documents to these
standards. References to the W3C standards will be included.
The course will introduce students to global accessibility standards that include, but are not limited to:
- Correct selecon of fonts
- Ensuring Language is set properly
- Reviewing color and contrast in the project versus the industry standards for accessibility
- Reading Level
- Quality Metadata
- If presented in a digital format, that ability to navigate the document by using the keyboard only.
- Consistency throughout the project
- Presenng the final InDesign project via: PDF, Printed, presented via a screen and digitally via web pages
During this single day course students will be encouraged to openly discuss their previous InDesign projects and reveal if accessibility was considered when they developed the project.