The classes you are expecting and a bunch of classes you aren't.


CAPM Exam Preparation

CAPM Exam Preparation

3.5 Days


Please note - this class only runs for 3.5 days (not a full four days). Day 4 will end early (roughly half-way through the day, depending on the pace of the class).

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PMP (Project Management Professional) Exam Preparation, Boot Camp

PMP (Project Management Professional) Exam Preparation, Boot Camp

5 Days


This class is a special offering run in conjunction with AIS. Course pricing includes PMP exam voucher and Logical Operations test pass guarantee. Our PMP offering provides a student with the best curriculum and the best study material available on today's market, developed in conjunction with subject matter experts who work directly with PMI to assemble the PMBOK and advise on the publication of the PMP exams. You'll have everything you need to pass the PMP exam with Logical Operations.

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Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification EVENING Online 10-Days

Evening option, 10 sessions.

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(Online Delivery) Project Management Professional (PMP)® Training - 4 Day Option

4 day, most popular option.

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