Facilitating Meetings Effectively


In this course, you will develop the skills to facilitate meetings effectively.


You will:


  • Build a foundation for a successful meeting.
  • Prepare for a meeting.
  • Set the stage for a meeting.
  • Facilitate a meeting.
  • Facilitate a specialized meeting.

Lesson 1: Building a Foundation for Successful Meetings

 Topic A: Identify Types of Meetings

 Topic B: Identify Attributes of Strong Meeting Leaders


Lesson 2: Preparing for a Meeting

 Topic A: Clarify the Purpose of the Meeting

 Topic B: Identify Participants

 Topic C: Plan Meeting Logistics

 Topic D: Create an Agenda


Lesson 3: Setting the Stage for a Meeting

 Topic A: Establish a Meeting Climate

 Topic B: Resolve Challenging Situations


Lesson 4: Facilitating a Meeting

 Topic A: Lead a Meeting

 Topic B: Make Sound Decisions

 Topic C: Publish Meeting Minutes

 Topic D: Close a Meeting


Lesson 5: Facilitating Specialized Meetings

 Topic A: Manage a Brainstorming Session

 Topic B: Manage a Virtual Meeting

 Topic C: Manage an International Meeting

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