Present Like a Boss (PLAB)

If you open your mouth to speak in a business setting, you NEED to take this course. Expect behavior change in 48 hours.


In this two-day, highly-interactive course, participants will learn the fundamentals of good presentation delivery, including both the physical, in-front-of-the-room skills, and the content required to deliver compelling presentations. Participants will receive real-time feedback and coaching while building (and delivering!) a presentation that is relevant to their current work. All participants should bring a PowerPoint presentation they are working on at their organization - participants can apply the skills being taught to their own presentation, in class!

For executive teams, in a private setting, we will record presentation delivery for each individual at the beginning, throughout, and at the end of each training session as a way to help aid in learning.

Intended Audience: Anyone who needs to influence outcomes through delivery of presentations, from the sales team to the board room.

Day One: Physical Skills

  • Introduction and Baseline
  • Command and Confidence Techniques
  • Slide Management

Day Two: Content Planning

  • Review and Baseline
  • Audience Analysis
  • Designing Content
  • Designing Visuals
  • Final Presentations and Conclusion

At the end of this course, participants will:

  • Stand and deliver with confidence
  • Demonstrate physical skills that transform the way they are perceived
  • Self-manage differences in presenter/audience experience
  • Deliver a clear and compelling message to audiences

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