Building Trust and Motivating Teams



There is a leader within us all; however, each of us approaches leadership differently Different is not bad, it is just different! A lack of understanding of ourselves and others can lead to real problems such as tension, unmet expectations, and poor communication. It is hard to work with a problem or opportunity, especially if you do not understand what is going on inside the mind of another person.

We have spent time understanding generational differences. The next step is a deep dive understanding how to effectively communicate with anyone. When we understand our style of communication, we can better understand others.

The goal of this training is to help leaders understand their strengths in communication and how to effectively utilize these strengths to engage with each other, with team members, and with customers.

Our approach

  1. We utilize DISC communication assessments to understand individuals’ strengths and leadership mindset.
  2. We use a POSITIVE approach to highlight and encourage a person with his or her STRENGTHS.
  3. We recognize that each person has a unique blend of ALL the major traits to a greater or lesser extent.
  4. We recognize that behavioral patterns are fluid and dynamic as a person adapts to his or her environment. We focus on utilizing the tool to become effective communicators and leaders.

We spend years in school developing our intelligence to effectively use our mind. Understanding our unique personality to effectively use our behavior is just as vital to successful living. Your Intelligence Quotient (IQ) measures your intelligence. Your Personality Quotient (PQ) refers to your ability to understand yourself and others for effective communication and teamwork.

Mastering Communication Training Agenda

  • Understand your leadership style
  • Identify your strengths as well as your blind spots in communication
  • Recognize biases that hinder your communication
  • Learn your teams’ leadership and communication styles
  • Engage your team effectively
  • Ask effective questions to build trust in conversations
  • Provide effective feedback to individuals
  • Develop collaboration strategies and setting expectations

Optional: SWOT Analysis Exercise (1 hour)

Understanding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of your organization

We will divide into groups in which each group with take a section of the SWOT analysis. Groups will focus on specific questions to guide them through the process. When completing, each group will share their results. We will then focus on one result in each group to develop an action plan.

This is an optional leadership exercise that can be done in class near the end that takes everything they learned and gives them the opportunity to develop action plans prior to leaving the training.

Class Structure

  • Putting the lessons into practice
  • Providing a variety of activities to demonstrate the principles in action
  • Conducting activities focusing on collaboration, leadership, and communication
  • Engage in open discussions to learn from one another

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